Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Handling Fault Message

I think I have a at least average intelligense, but today I could not figure out have to handle Fault Message in a BizTalk orchestration.

I followed all common samples and added a Scope with Catch Blocks, one for the service Fault Message and one for ordinary Soap Exceptions, but it did not work. I got: "Received unexpected message type 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/#Fault' does not match expected type 'http://x.y#z'" all the time no mather what I tried.

Now it seems to be a vocabulary problem. I googled on handling "Fault Message", but did not find any solution until I stumbled on something like "Typed Fault Contract", then there was information about configuring the send port correctly.

In the send port for an WCF-adapter you can specify where the body of the response message starts. If you expect to receive either your preferred message or a Fault Message you use a XPath expression. See message tab on the properties for the WCF-adapter.

  1. Check Path
  2. Add an OR-expression for your possible response messages (/*[local-name()='Fault']/*[local-name()='detail']/* "insert pipe character here" /*[local-name()='MyResponseMessageRootNodeName'] for example, see explanation below)
  3. Check that Node encoding is set to Xml
  4. Check "Propagate fault message", is checked default

The XPath means:

XPath to Soap fault (can be "Detail", if one can trust other samples, but for me it was "detail")

XPath OR
"pipe" (could not enter the pipe character here for some reason)

XPath to your expected Fault Contract/Message